Our therapeutic exercise programmes are specifically designed to accelerate healing processes and correct the underlying postural faults and movement abnormalities that have contributed to your injury.
Exercise is the single most essential element of our rehabilitation protocols and is the key to restoring your injured, painful body to normal pain-free activity. Our therapeutic exercise programmes are specifically designed to accelerate healing processes and correct the underlying postural faults and movement abnormalities that have contributed to your injury. Research shows that physical treatment alone i.e. spinal manipulation or ultrasound will provide only temporary symptom relief unless the treatment is backed up with a comprehensive therapeutic exercise programme.
Patients are often fearful of moving injured body parts because it is painful to do so. However, providing there are no broken bones or imminent tendon / ligament rupture it is safe and indeed desirable to start gently moving as this stimulates the circulation to the injured tissues and promotes healing. Humans are designed to heal by being active and injured tissue needs stress and strain applied to it in a structured and progressive manner in order to ensure a full recovery and return to normal function.
The first goal of our therapeutic exercise programmes is to get you to a level where you are able to self-manage your symptoms by performing your exercises. Our aim is to get you better as rapidly as possible with the minimum amount of treatment possible. The second goal of your exercise programme is to make sure we do not have to see you again for the same problem in the future by correcting faulty biomechanics and poor posture through exercise.
Without ideal management and rehabilitation injuries may not heal properly leading to chronic pain / stiffness / arthritic changes or a recurrent injury or problems elsewhere in the body. Research indicates that the deep postural (core-stability) muscles in our bodies often do not return to normal function even when an injury appears to have fully healed. This is why certain injuries tend to be recurrent or never fully recover. Research also shows that only specialist rehabilitation with appropriately trained practitioners is required to fully rehabilitate injuries. We pride ourselves on keeping up to date with the latest research on exercise and rehabilitation so you can rest assured that your recovery would proceed as rapidly as your body can heal. Of course, you could leave it to chance and find out the hard way that your injury has not been fully rehabilitated!

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